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5 Benefits That Prove RTLS Is Changing Manufacturing for the Better, and Why You Should Get On Board

Every morning, I spend upwards of 10 minutes hunting down my keys and wallet, often causing me to be late while adding unnecessary stress to my day. To remedy this, I bought AirTags to keep track of all my expensive and necessary items. While it was an upfront investment, it proved to be well worth it. Imagine this same scenario, but for your massive warehouses harboring items worth thousands of dollars. How much time do your employees spend looking for misplaced items? How much money do you lose when something is deemed lost? Just like I purchased an AirTag to track my valuables, many major businesses are turning to Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) to gain incredible visibility into their business. When business leaders often think of Real Time Location Services technology, they often perceive the return on investment to be in terms of time savings and labor savings. This is outstandingly true.

However, that isn’t the only benefit that RTLS provides. There are five main benefits for RTLS that this blog post will explore: time and labor savings, enhanced throughput, quality assurance, customer experience, and strategic growth. Not only does RTLS help save you money, but it also will be key to growing your business. 

Time and Labor Savings

Time and Labor savings are an obvious pro of RTLS. Instead of sifting through hundreds of large boxes to locate your items or personal, a simple tag-and-anchor system allows you to know the precise location with the click of a button. Not only does RTLS help you track your lost items, it also can alert you when an item is moving out of it’s designated location, preventing loss situations and downtimes that can cost hundreds of thousands. This frees up valuable time for your personnel so they can focus on advancing your business bottom line by improving their efficiency, tackling bottlenecks, and preventing unnecessary delays. 

Reducing Bottlenecks and Increasing Productivity

Speaking of bottlenecks, advanced Real Time Location Systems are able to implement real-time tracking to identify bottlenecks and streamline workflows, ensuring a smoother production process. Bottlenecks cost American industries trillions of dollars a year. This goes beyond our traditional understanding of the value of RTLS. A major roadblock in the advancement and growth of businesses often lies in unseen bottlenecks that limit efficiency. RTLS systems By collecting and analyzing this data through RTLS, you gain amazing visibility into not just the location of your items, but the efficiency of your workflows. 

Reducing Stockouts and Overstocking with Usage Data

RTLS allows you to not just see where your items are, but monitor their situation to ensure that you are carrying as much or as little inventory as you need. RTLS systems can alert you when inventory for an item is running low, reducing stockouts while allowing you to detect overstocking. This enables you to discover areas in your business that need growth or reduction so that you use your money effectively and efficiently. 

Optimized Supply Chain Logistics to Automate Inventory Management

RTLS also can provide optimized supply chain logistics by tracking the movement of goods. This can locate slow-points in the supply chain that may be preventing you from getting out goods faster and cheaper. This kind of visibility is something that leaders’ dream of, as it leads to better decision making and faster older fulfillment. It reduces the need for a paper trail that can become cumbersome when dealing with thousands of moving parts a day. RTLS allows you to automate your inventory management so you can spend less time organizing the data and more time making decisions with it. 

Employee Management, Security, and Safety

RTLS isn’t just useful when it comes to tracking items. It can also greatly help supervisors and leaders to ensure the safety of their facilities for their employees and their bottom line. RTLS Systems like Lamplight Logistics can alert managers and employees of unauthorized personnel being in a certain area, reducing risk of injury and misconduct. RTLS has value when it comes to employee safety as well. Often, injury and accidents occur in over-crowded areas, and before the human eye can catch the danger, the damage is done. RTLS detects these issues, which can alert you that a change needs to occur in employee management, resource management, or the layout of the workplace.

All in all, long gone are the days of tech-free location tracking. Businesses are constantly improving and leaning on technology to aid them in their processes. Lamplight logistics offers not just a simple RTLS tool, but one specifically designed with a human in mind. With easy-to-understand software and a clear, customizable user interface, Lamplight Logistics provides a software that works with you, not against you. 

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